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Squishable Keychain Pink Donut Micro

Cover Image For Squishable Keychain Pink Donut Micro

Squishable Keychain Pink Donut Micro

Price: $10.99

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Product Description

Item: 84102411490

A small, wrinkly green dude once said, Do or donut, there is no try.That was a pun! Unlike its larger, pink-frosted forefather the Squishable Pink Donut, this Micro Donut cherishes jokes of all varieties; from wisecracks to tomfoolery, from jests to shenanigans, this is one petite pastry that refuses to mind its P's and Q's! So whether you're asking why that horse walked into a bar, or where Dracula does his banking, there is no one-liner or pun that this playful Micro Donut won't eat right up!

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